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来源: 文学汇 时间:2024-05-10
1、你是我想跟全世界炫耀,却又舍不得跟任何人分享的人。 You are the one I want to show off to the world, but I don't want to share with anyone. 2、不炫耀,因为不自卑。 Don't show off, because don't feel inferior. 3、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。 What can't be extricated is not only teeth but also love. 4、大雨厮杀了我的爱,杀了的我心。 The rain killed my love and my heart. 5、遇到合适的人,你跑步都觉得慢。 When you meet the right person, you run slowly. 6、伴你到老,和你共度美好。 With you to the old, and you spend a good time. 7、何以如此默契,竟成海鸟飞鱼。 Why such a tacit understanding has become a sea bird and a fish. 8、只有比别人更早更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 Only by working harder and earlier than others can we taste the taste of success. 9、每个人都有一条难看的伤疤,只是那条伤疤已经除不去了。 Everyone has an ugly scar, but it can't be removed. 10、我相信爱是纯粹的,一直坚信着。 I believe that love is pure and I always believe it. 11、如果有上帝,我们就多了一个借口。 If there is a God, we have another excuse. 12、一场场的暧昧,到底是谁浮伤了流年。 A field of ambiguity, in the end who is floating injured LiuNian. 13、肚子胖了,理想却瘦了。 The belly is fat, but the ideal is thin. 14、人生么有等出来的斑斓,只要走出来的灿烂。 Life is not waiting to come out of the beautiful, as long as come out of the brilliant. 15、不在被中睡,不知被儿宽。 Don't sleep in the quilt, I don't know how wide it is. 16、别拿我对你的爱、当成你装爷的*。 Don't take my love for you as your trump card. 17、高高的山顶,有一位姑娘,哎呀呵呵哎呀呵呵,真漂亮。 There is a girl on the top of the mountain. Oh, my God, my God. It's beautiful. 18、我足够坚强,并不代表所有的伤我都能抗。 Just because I'm strong enough doesn't mean I can fight all the injuries. 19、青春就像一场烟火,美得让人窒息,却短暂到让人落泪。 Youth is like a fireworks, beautiful people suffocate, but short to tears. 20、老板,38的鞋太小,39的又太大! Boss, 38 shoes are too small, 39 shoes are too big! 21、学做任何事得按部就班,急不得。 Learning to do anything must be done step by step. 22、做人呢你别太过,做事呢你别犯错。 Don't go too far in life, and don't make mistakes in doing things. 23、人生匆匆数十载,我不愿如此活,可我又能改变什么? Life is in a hurry for decades, I don't want to live like this, but what can I change? 24、左右抱右手,虚拟性的安慰自己。 Hold your right hand, virtual comfort yourself. 25、天上无云不下雨,世间无理事不成。 No cloud in the sky, no rain in the world. 26、人生无处不是转弯的地方,但好在,我们还能继续走。 Nowhere in life is a turning point, but fortunately, we can continue to walk. 27、美丑有命,胖瘦在天,就靠这句话活到了现在。 Beauty and ugliness have a life, fat and thin in the sky, relying on this sentence to survive now. 28、笑骂由他笑骂,好官我自为之。 He is the one who laughs and scolds, and I am the good official. 29、你许我三世烟火,如今只剩一世迷离。 You allow me to smoke and fire for the third time, but now I'm only lost for the first time. 30、我的妒忌,闷得没有道理。 My jealousy is unreasonable. 31、愚者坐以待毙,智者坐以待币。 The fool waits for death, the wise for money. 32、很初不相识,很终不相认。 I didn't know each other at first, but I didn't know each other at last. 33、我与我,周旋久,宁作我。 I have been with me for a long time, and I would rather be myself. 34、有的人,曾经是无话不说,很后,却无话可说。 Some people used to say nothing but nothing at last. 35、望空,41度仰角,看到幸福的颜色。 Wang Kong, 41 degrees elevation, see the color of happiness. 36、你说为我好,却忘了问我好不好。 You say it's good for me, but you forget to ask me if it's OK. 37、希望有一天,我爱你可以倒过来写。 I hope one day, I love you can write backwards. 38、你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我。 If you know me before, maybe you will forgive me now. 39、浪费时间等于浪费生命。 To waste time is to waste life. 40、心绪比思维敏捷,语言比心绪理智。 Mind is faster than thought, language is more rational than mind. 41、幸运所生的德性是节制,厄运所生的德性是坚忍。 The virtue of luck is temperance, and the virtue of misfortune is perseverance. 42、以恬淡的模样,经历烟雨尘风的袭击,还原初时的自己。 With a tranquil appearance, I experienced the attack of smoke, rain, dust and wind to restore my original self. 43、多希望你能看见,我是多么后悔。 I wish you could see how sorry I am. 44、沉浮在你身边,你的爱真的有意义么? Floating beside you, does your love really make sense? 45、昨天我知道了我喜欢的人他也喜欢我。 Yesterday I learned that the person I like also likes me. 46、成功不过是我坚持了,而你没有。 Success is just my persistence, but you don't. 47、所谓人生,便是取决于遇见谁。 Life depends on who you meet. 48、只有心碎了,才能真正的做到冷酷无情。 Only when the heart is broken can we really be ruthless. 49、很想说的话在眼睛里,在草稿箱里,梦里和酒里。 What I want to say is in my eyes, in my scratchpad, in my dreams and in my wine. 50、不是槌的打击,乃是水的载歌载舞,是鹅卵石臻于完美。 It's not hammer strike, it's water singing and dancing, it's pebbles reaching perfection. 51、什么时候我能爱你,你也爱我。 When can I love you, you love me too. 52、我心若是海,我願溺海亡藍。 If my heart is the sea, I will drown the sea and die blue. 53、胭脂,红颜的伤。伪装这辉煌。 Rouge, the wound of a Blusher. Camouflage this brilliance. 54、你可以委屈,可以痛哭,但不要让所有人都看到你的脆弱。 You can be aggrieved, you can cry, but don't let everyone see your vulnerability. 55、一路走下来,不优秀,但很善良。 All the way down, not excellent, but very kind. 56、绕着动听的歌曲,心情显得如此空洞。 Around the beautiful songs, the mood seems so empty. 57、我爱你,我也爱你我之间的小幸福。 I love you, and I love you and my little happiness. 58、一个人,喝酒不是孤独,喝了酒,想一个是孤独。 A person, drinking is not lonely, drinking, think of a lonely. 59、不受控制的手、还能抓住什么。 An uncontrolled hand, what else can it hold. 60、我之所以能,是因为我相信能。 I can because I believe in it. 61、我是一个说谎者,所以我从来不爱你。 I'm a liar, so I never love you. 62、你和他的一幕一幕,都炸碎了我的心。 You and his scene, all burst my heart. 63、不属于我的东西,我不要。不是真心给我的东西,我不要。 I don't want things that don't belong to me. It's not something I really want. 64、青春总需要一些伤疤,来证明我们曾经年少过。 Youth always needs some scars to prove that we have been young. 65、把人生一分为二,前半生不犹豫,后半生不后悔。 Divide your life in two. Don't hesitate in the first half of your life, and don't regret in the second half. 66、幸福不是在远处停放不动,而是需要自己去争取。 Happiness is not to stop in the distance, but to strive for it.





